This may be a little known fact, but Saratoga Springs is the main reason I wanted to relocate to New York from Colorado, where my family lives and where I grew up. We came to visit my ex-husband's uncle who lived in Kinderhook, NY and made a side trip up to Saratoga Springs to see one of my ex's childhood friends. I felt an instant connection to the area the second we arrived. That feeling only grew as our friends toured us around the city. My ex-husband grew up in New Hampshire and always wanted to move back east, but I was too attached to Colorado. After visiting Saratoga Springs I told him I could be convinced to move to this area. After a whirlwind of activity, I found myself moving to New York! Unfortunately, my husband's new job was in Voorheesville and the commute from Saratoga would have been too much. So we compromised and settled in Clifton Park.
Once I got divorced, I had a strong feeling that I should take the opportunity to move to Saratoga Springs. I am so glad I did. I absolutely love this place. There is some strange connection between me and Saratoga Springs that has finally gotten to play out after all these years. After living here for two years, I have built a strong community and found things about this place that bring me joy on a daily basis. If you haven't been to Saratoga Springs before, I highly recommend planning a trip to check it out soon. Make sure to let me know you are coming and we can enjoy some of my favorite things together! So, without further ado, here are my favorite things about Saratoga Springs (in no particular order):
Being able to walk almost everywhere I want to go. Love this part of living in Saratoga Springs!
The beautiful historic homes on Union Avenue and North Broadway. They are all throughout the city really, but these two streets really have the "WOW" factor!
Shopping on Broadway at all the locally owned stores.

Having so many great restaurants to choose from.

Being constantly surrounded by the history of the area.

Going to the horse races at the historic Saratoga Race Track.

Going to the Horseshoe after the horse races for dinner and live music with everyone else who went to the track that day.
Having breakfast at the Track to eat trackside while the horses practice for race day.
The palpable excitement that energizes Saratoga during track season.
Going to Lucy's Bar for their insta-worthy decor (especially at Christmas!) and their constantly changing specialty cocktails.
Having a Coconut Margarita on Cantina's rooftop.
Going to Dango's to dance to the Refrigerators in the summer.
Having breakfast at Sweet Mimi's.

Walking the trails at Saratoga Spa State Park.

Going to concerts at SPAC, the outdoor amphitheater in the State Park.

The rooftop view of Saratoga from the top of Spa City Tavern.
Sipping a Gin Gin Fizz at Hamlet and Ghost.

Strolling through Congress Park by all of the fountains, springs and statues (as well as the beautiful old carousel).

Stopping to watch the horses train at the Oklahoma Race Track on my morning walks.
The Saratoga Farmer's Market at High Rock Park.

Taking yoga classes at Yoga Mandali.

Browsing in the Northshire Bookstore.
The towering pine trees lining the road as I drive down Avenue of the Pines.
The Salted Carmel chocolate from Saratoga Chocolate Company.
The Black Cherry Balsamic Vinaigrette from Saratoga Olive Oil Company.
So there you have it! Just a few of my many favorite things about Saratoga Springs. If you love Saratoga Springs and some of your favorites are not on my list, please comment below to add them!
